Any company worth their salt understands the value of the people working for them.
Staff are essential to any organisation’s success. Companies should be constantly working on ways to improve employee welfare, benefits and the working environment. If successful, your company will enjoy the rewards of maintaining it’s most important asset. Your people.
Satisfied employees equate to greater productivity, boosted retention and a better business reputation. Let’s explore this further.

Employees affect public perception
When it comes down to it, your staff are effectively brand ambassadors for your organisation. As such, they can affect the public perception of your brand. If you struggle to retain employees for long periods of time, it can reflect badly on the way that the public, or other professional organisations see you. Plus, with online review sites like Glassdoor providing an outlet for disgruntled employees, it’s best to keep your people as happy as possible.
This is why shrewd companies offer various staff benefits, including health and wellness, training and development opportunities and employee engagement. It is proven that these kinds of opportunities create environments for staff longevity.
The cost of retraining
Not only does staff retention increase brand image, losing staff is costly. Retraining, recruiting and rehiring is expensive. It’s a fact. And, to make matters worse, new employees generally have a much lower level of productivity compared to those who’ve been around longer and know how to operate.

The communication of appreciation
Appreciation is a two-way street. And communication is the best way to navigate that street. There are plenty of ways that a company can communicate appreciation for its employees – awards, newsletters, employee benefits schemes. The list goes on.
But the important thing to remember is that when a business demonstrates its appreciation to the people working there, those people tend to develop loyalty. Loyalty among staff is one of the most essential aspects to creating a productive work environment.
The power of Continued Professional Development
One of the best ways to make staff feel appreciated, is to offer them means to continually better themselves. Training sessions, or e-Learning programs can be a great way to offer this.
In this day and age, e-Learning is a really swift and useful way to deliver upskilling and training. And, with Learning Management Systems, you can bring training to staff and contractors anywhere, face-to-face or using distance learning. The latest technology allows for customisable dashboards, live tracking, and online grading – which are all tools to help bring successful professional development.

Reduce employee workplace risk
Another aspect of having contented employees is a safe and secure workplace. This, like training and upskilling, needs to be driven by the conscientious employer. It is the responsibility of the organisation to provide the necessary risk assessment information.
Similarly to e-Learning systems, you can use Risk Management Systems to better achieve an all-round safer workplace. Many such systems have a clear and simple risk assessment interface, giving key decision makers the ability to catalogue risk assessments quickly and easily. Then, a team can develop strategies to mitigate and manage identified risks.
What employees should do
Any prospective employee will probably do a little research on a company’s retention rate and reputation, before committing to work there. They might check out the various ways in which the business values its staff, or the training and online learning opportunities available.
Today, it’s easier than ever for employees to understand their value, and it’s down to company’s to ensure they are getting the correct treatment in the workplace. At the end of the day, it’s beneficial for everyone involved.
Learn more about building your own e-learning modules on Beakon, that can help retain employees.